Total Medals Earned: 949 (From 207 different games.) Total Medal Score: 19,135 Points
Medals Earned: 3/17 (60/480 points)
Get killed by a zombie.
Kill Zomboss.
Kill Smileborg
Get killed by an alien.
Get killed by a robot.
Play through a stage consuming nothing but beer.
Play through a stage without eating or drinking.
Unlock all weapons.
Get the chair all the way to ZOMG.
Play through every stage.
Get the skull all the way to Zomboss.
Play through every stage in one go using the crowbar.
Kill Zomboss with his own arm.
Kill ZOMG with the Alienator.
Kill Smileborg with the Cyber Blade T47.
Play through a stage on real man difficulty.
Medals Earned: 3/5 (40/190 points)
Transform to Ashura mode!
Perform a 45 combo.
End the game.
Score more than 200K
End the game without dying in expert difficulty.
Medals Earned: 6/13 (95/450 points)
Finish the tutorial.
Enter a rift.
Finish the first level for each character.
Finish Mell's story.
Finish Fuzor's story.
Finish Naaij's story.
Find the incomplete area.
Get at least a bronze in all Naaij levels.
Get at least a bronze in all Fuzor levels.
Get at least a silver in all Fuzor levels.
Get at least a silver in all Naaij levels.
Get a gold in all Fuzor levels.
Get a gold in all Naaij levels.
Medals Earned: 2/9 (75/500 points)
Real cowboys spit a lot.
Find the adult pleasure.
Bully the weak.
Bully your own boss.
Defend the weak.
Become one with the desert
Sometimes it's ok to lose your head over something.
Walk around (almost) naked.
Complete the Game.
Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/40 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Activated Wade mode
Ban him at 500 + MPH
Medals Earned: 3/20 (15/460 points)
Kill 25 Enemies
Lose 25 Men
Deploy 25 Soldiers
Build 25 Buildings
Lose 100 Men
Build 100 Buildings
Kill 100 Enemies
Deploy 100 Soldiers
Lose 250 Men
Lose 500 Men
Build 250 Buildings
Build 500 Buildings
Kill 250 Enemies
Kill 500 Enemies
Deploy 250 Soldiers
Deploy 500 Soldiers
Deploy 1000 Soldiers
Lose 1000 Men
Build 1000 Buildings
Kill 1000 Enemies
Medals Earned: 2/16 (50/500 points)
You made 1000 Kills
You dodged 100 attacks
You restored 10000 health points.
You made 10000 Kills
You restored 1000Armor
You dodged 1000 attacks.
You restored 1000 health points.
You restored 2500 Armor
You dodged 2500 attacks
You restored 2500 health points.
You made 50000 Kills
You restored over 5000 armor
You made 100000 Kills
You restored 10000 armor
You restored 25000 health points
You dodged 5000 attacks
Medals Earned: 4/6 (70/170 points)
90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 2 Easy
90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 1 Easy
100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 1 Hard
90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 3 Easy
100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 2 Hard
100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 3 Hard
Medals Earned: 7/12 (50/240 points)
Use a seed for the first time
Defeat the miniboss
Defeat the miniboss without taking any damage
Complete level one
Discover the source of the music in the woods
Completely level two
Defeat the boss of world one
Find the shortcut in level one
Find all of Big Mama's children
Defeat the boss of world one without taking any damage
Find and defeat Iris
Defeat Iris without taking any damage
Medals Earned: 9/12 (100/300 points)
Silly cat, get off ma lawn.
That's not even a real sword.
Go back to your cave.
Farukon Paaansh.
Ma gun's bigger.
Systems failure imminent.
Go back to kitchen.
Master the guitar.
Get killed by each enemy in one sitting.
Save the universe from evil.